Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mom Jeans for Teens?

    Over the years I've seen thirteen year old girls dress like twenty year olds, forty year old moms trying to dress like their teenage daughters, and just about every thing in between. Lately, it has come to my attention that there is a new age confusion in dressing that might be worse than all of its inappropriate predecessors. 
      It's a "trend" picked up by girls ages thirteen to twenty one who have taken fashion cues from their over-processed mothers that are trying to dress like sorority girls. So get it straight, an eighteen year old trying to dress like her mother that's trying to dress like a young girl. The whole look is painfully lost in translation.
      These girls put on their True Religion high rise jeans and then proceed to throw on an uncomfortably tight, seamless tee shirt tucked taut into those jeans with a belt through the belt loops to pull everything together. The ones truly dedicated then curl the ends of their overly processed hair, throw on a set of pearls, and slip into their sensible mommy loafers, deeming their aging outfit "timeless" and "classic" when they look in the mirror. 
      Let's try something else. When you're thirteen, dress like you're thirteen. When you're a forty five year old mom, dress like it. Especially when you're a good looking nineteen year old girl, take advantage of it! You're body will never look so good, so take advantage of it by dressing your age to show it off! 

Picture: Best Week Ever


  1. Kat, I love it-- great style and wit in your writing... can't wait to see what's next.



  3. completely true. :) I really like your blog girl!
